Movement Theory/ Gridded Movement
(Level 1 & 2)
Every Dancer or Object Manipulator should be familiar with the “Grid”. This class will introduce the conceptual foundations necessary to understanding Gridded Movement and how Object Manipulation (or Flow Arts) is guided by its patterns. Participants will leave this class with a heightened understanding of how Plane, Timing, Direction and Footwork formulate the Grid and how concepts like Isolations and Anti-Spins can be expanded with this multi-dimensional approach to understanding movement. This class designed to be easy enough for novice spinners to understand while still being provoking and expansive for advanced spinners. This workshop is especially beneficial for any flow artist who feels they have “plateaued” and would like to reassess some of the patterns, and rules in hopes of inspiring new concepts.
Contact Dance (Beg/Adv)
In this workshop we will introduce the fundamentals of Contact Dance through explorative and creative movement games. Come alone or with a partner for a liberating Partner Movement Art Experience!
Intro To Partner Dance:
This class will cover concepts adapted from West Coat Swing, Contact Dance, Tracing, Threading, Partner Tutting, Capoiera, and Ballroom Dance. Students will learn fundamental dance vocabulary and leave the session with new concepts and sequenes to develop and personalize on their own.