Sponsor A Staff
The ‘Sponsor a Staff Project’ was an initiative led by SolRiso in 2017 to donate Staffs to the 2018 ‘Performers Without Borders’ Tour. The staffs would be used by team memebers to teach classes and donated to the organizations after the teams depatrue. The project brought together the greater US Staff Spinning Community and with the help of Flowtoys, Fire Groove, Wizardticks and countless other donators, contributors and volunteers, the project brought 97 Staffs to Kenya for use in workshops, and donated over 75 staffs to underprivledged youth programs and movement artists. The next iteration of the project is being developed. Please visit www.sponsorastaff.org to learn more about upcoming projects!
The ‘Spinstrument Project’ is an interactive, therapeutic performance art installation that creates music by fusing movement and sound. It was developed by Enrico Vinholi and Tatsuya Ishii in 2014 and is currently being redeveloped by Enrico Vinholi and Ben Cooper. Click the link to see where we’re taking the future of flow.